Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Haste Makes Waste

 As I began to write my favorite quote from childhood “Haste makes waste.” crosses my mind. I think to myself, what’s wrong with taking your time and getting things done right the first time? Sometimes you just have to “Chillax” (Chill and Relax) and get your mind right. Right? Ugh, who am I kidding...
it has taken me all evening just to sit down and write this post. However for some reason I didn't procrastinate in asking my husband to participate in a 30 day challenge to decrease my procrastination & increase his patience.
You see Keith is SUPER impulsive and I am SUPER laid-back. For example, I told Keith about the idea of blogging today. Keith started today and guess what? He finished his first post TODAY!  I got the idea of blogging from my friend Ayesha last Wednesday and told Keith about the idea today…. a week later.

In my mind hey, it’s still getting done however I realize there is a need for balance. I guess I literally have the need for speed! LOL! This challenge is happening "Jess In Time...." ( shameless plug!) for new beginnings.

Pray for me….don’t procrastinate on that.

1 comment:

  1. S/O to Ayesha! Hey that's me. Get it Jess In Time. I struggle with procrastination as well. I'll share some of my tactics if you promise to share yours here. Keep it up chica!!!!!
