Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Much Obliged....

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving! I love it because the essence of it is so simple and genuine. Thanksgiving is a premeditated day of love and appreciation shared through family, food, and friends. (Maybe some spirits too-LOL!)  I can’t help but to think of

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Determined To Find My Way.

Today was truly one of those days. I was overwhelmed with homework & I had a host of things I needed to complete this week with work and life in general (Including this post). Lately it seems as if life is merely an abundance of tasks I need to complete in order to

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Risky Business

Earlier this week Keith somerstorm.blogspot.com and I explored an opportunity of growth that has the potential to test the body, mind, and soul.  I know this kind of opportunity requires an instant immersion into one’s faith and endurance. Without going into a full explanation let’s just say this opportunity is risky business. While in procrastination recovery, I have explored

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I Wanna Be A Toys R' Us Kid

Keith and I attended our nieces 2nd birthday party a couple of weeks ago & I had a blast. It was cool observing the kids unapologetically being themselves.  When they didn't want to do something they knew how to say NO. (loudly & repetitively) When they wanted cake or

Friday, November 1, 2013

Motive Is The Key To Motivation

While in the salon sitting under a HOT dryer (I believe was manufactured in hell) I realize how I not only make the time to schedule my salon appointment, but I arrive on time to appointments when I need a relaxer!!! I laugh to myself because I’m liable to