Thursday, November 7, 2013

Risky Business

Earlier this week Keith and I explored an opportunity of growth that has the potential to test the body, mind, and soul.  I know this kind of opportunity requires an instant immersion into one’s faith and endurance. Without going into a full explanation let’s just say this opportunity is risky business. While in procrastination recovery, I have explored
the many routes that lead to destination procrastination. Admittedly, learning to say NO and not taking on too much has been keeping me from living in Procrastination, TX. SMILE!
However today I recognize how fear can place you in a catatonic state resulting in a change of address to Procrastination, TX too. Fear is so slick! It can keep you in pursuit of empty relationships while keeping from a good one at the same time. Fear can keep you from furthering your education while keeping you stuck at a dead end job. Fear let’s those thoughts like “I will do it later” linger in your heart until a month turns into a year & before your know it you are the Mayor of Procrastination, TX.  What’s even worse is that you keep passing Opportunity City, OK. (LOL, enough you get it!)

I've learned that the best way to tame fear & his friendly sidekick procrastination is prayer. I read that prayer is an opportunity incubator.( In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day) This passage explained that when you are not in prayer mode you have good ideas, but when you are in FULL prayer mode you have GOD ideas and those ideas can surpass all fears or any anticipated mistakes you can think of. Keith and I are pursuing a GOD idea and if we don’t risk it all to get there we will regret the opportunity we missed not what we sacrificed or lost getting there.

I am in the middle of a God idea with a super cool dude. Risky business? Yes!  But as Mark Batterson says, " Righteousness isn't just running away from sin. Righteousness is chasing lions too!" 

Until next time....

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