Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Much Obliged....

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving! I love it because the essence of it is so simple and genuine. Thanksgiving is a premeditated day of love and appreciation shared through family, food, and friends. (Maybe some spirits too-LOL!)  I can’t help but to think of

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Determined To Find My Way.

Today was truly one of those days. I was overwhelmed with homework & I had a host of things I needed to complete this week with work and life in general (Including this post). Lately it seems as if life is merely an abundance of tasks I need to complete in order to

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Risky Business

Earlier this week Keith somerstorm.blogspot.com and I explored an opportunity of growth that has the potential to test the body, mind, and soul.  I know this kind of opportunity requires an instant immersion into one’s faith and endurance. Without going into a full explanation let’s just say this opportunity is risky business. While in procrastination recovery, I have explored

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I Wanna Be A Toys R' Us Kid

Keith and I attended our nieces 2nd birthday party a couple of weeks ago & I had a blast. It was cool observing the kids unapologetically being themselves.  When they didn't want to do something they knew how to say NO. (loudly & repetitively) When they wanted cake or

Friday, November 1, 2013

Motive Is The Key To Motivation

While in the salon sitting under a HOT dryer (I believe was manufactured in hell) I realize how I not only make the time to schedule my salon appointment, but I arrive on time to appointments when I need a relaxer!!! I laugh to myself because I’m liable to

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Haste Makes Waste

 As I began to write my favorite quote from childhood “Haste makes waste.” crosses my mind. I think to myself, what’s wrong with taking your time and getting things done right the first time? Sometimes you just have to “Chillax” (Chill and Relax) and get your mind right. Right? Ugh, who am I kidding...